Execute a Standard UserOperation

The Borsa network is fully compatible with ERC-4337 and can act as a bundler for standard UserOperations (userOps). This allows developers to submit userOps directly, even if they aren’t using intents. There’s no need for additional solutions or infrastructure changes, making integration seamless and efficient.

This simplifies handling DeFi operations while maintaining compatibility with existing dApp infrastructure.

Example Executing a UserOp

Here’s a simple way to execute a userOp on Borsa:

await intentBuilder.executeStandardUserOps(account, ChainID, {
    calldata: '0x', // Optional calldata
    callGasLimit: CALL_GAS_LIMIT, // Gas limit for the call
    maxFeePerGas: MAX_FEE_PER_GAS, // Maximum fee per gas unit
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS, // Maximum priority fee per gas unit
    verificationGasLimit: VERIFICATION_GAS_LIMIT, // Gas limit for the verification step

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